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Letter by Carrie Best, Jan 21 1902

An apparently unsent letter written by Carrie Best Harrington describing her life. This might have been more like a diary entry, since it's not addressed to anyone and was not mailed.

19 So. Midland Ave
Nyack N.Y. Jan 21/02

Having just a few moments, stolen I suppose from other duties, I want to write a little regarding our little family.

Baby Ruth is lying asleep in her basket. She is 14 weeks old and the dearest baby we think that ever existed. She already coos and laughs a great deal. She came the 16th day of October 1901 at 9:25 A. M.

We all live together, that is Mama, sister Sue-- my husband (Preston), the baby and her "Ma". Papa died the 15th of last July. He was killed by a train at Mahwah, N.J where he as working. He died about 9 P. M. as he was hurt about 3 P. M. on July 15th. I do not like to think about it. It was so very sad and I am sure he would not have us grieve especially as he is now so happy. He was the dearest father anybody could possibly have.

Preston & I were married Nov. 24/1900 at my house on Midland Ave. We went away for a time, visiting in our trip Meriden conn where Preston's brother, Clement, then lived. We first went to live on 1st Ave in Bombard's house but did not like it so moved on May 1/01 to 37 Summit St. in one of the unreadable houses. We stayed there until Oct 1/01 when we removed to Midland ave- to be with Mama.

The baby had a Xmas tree. Aunt Annie trimmed it for her.

